Adopted School Policies
No. 2.2 - Board Member Training
No. 2.3 - Board Committees
No. 2.4.1 - Conflict of Interest - Board of Directors
No. 2.4.2 - Prohibition of Sexual, Religious, and Racial Harassment and Violence
No. 2.4.3 - Gifts to Employees and Board Members
No. 2.5 - Open and Closed Meetings
No. 2.6 - Acceptance and Administration of Gifts
No. 2.8 - Tort Liability
No. 2.9 - Nepotism
Board Election Process
Executive Director Hiring, Supervision and Evaluation -
No. 4.1.1 - Equal Educational and Employment Opportunity
No. 4.1.2 - At Will Employment
No. 4.1.3 - Criminal Background Checks
No. 4.2 - Public and Private Personnel Data
No. 4.3.1 - Employee Benefits
No. 4.3.2 - Salary and Wage Compensation System
No. 4.4.1 - Family and Medical Leave Act
No. 4.4.2 - Minnesota Parental Leave Act
No. 4.5.1 - Prohibition Against Unfair Discriminatory Practices in Employment and Grievance Procedures
No. 4.5.2 - Code of Conduct for Employees Licensed by the BOT
No. 4.5.3 - Employee Ethics and Conflicts of Interest
No. 4.5.4 - Outside Employment
No. 4.5.5 - Gifts to Employees and Board Members
No. 4.5.6 - Use of Reasonable Force and Prohibition on Use of Corporal Punishment
No. 4.6.1 - Health and Safety Including Employee Right to Know
No. 4.6.2 - Bloodborne Pathogens
No. 4.6.3 - Communicable Disease and Infections
No. 4.6.4 - Drug Free Workplace Drug Free School
No. 4.6.5 - Referring of Firearms Possessor
No. 4.6.6 - Weapons on School Grounds
No. 4.7.1 - Maltreatment of Minors / Mandatory Reporting
No. 4.8.1 - Use of Internet, Email, Computers, Voicemail and Other Electronic Systems
No. 4.8.2 - Employee Use of Social Media and Guidelines
No. 4.9 - Employees Rights Regarding Termination
Whistleblower Policy
Teacher Evaluation
Health Coverage
Civil Rights Complaint Procedure
Prohibition of Malicious and Sadistic Conduct Policy -
Admissions Policy with Lottery
No. 5.2.1 - Attendance and Absences
No. 5.2.2 - Compulsory Attendance
No. 5.3.1 - Student Educational Data
No. 5.3.2 - Adjudicated Juveniles
No. 5.3.3 - Directory Information
No. 5.3.4 - Transfer of Educational Records
No. 5.4.1 - Prohibition Against Unfair Discriminatory Practices in Education and Grievance Procedures
No. 5.4.2 - Bullying Prevention and Response
No. 5.4.3 - Anti-Hazing
No. 5.4.4 - Student Discipline
No. 5.4.5 - Pupil Fair Dismissal Process
No. 5.4.6 - Dress Code Religious Neutral
No. 5.5.1 - Chemical Use and Abuse
No. 5.5.2 - Drug Free Workplace Drug Free School
No. 5.5.3 - Tobacco Free Environment
No. 5.5.4 - Concussion Management
No 5.5.5 - Communicable Diseases and Infections
No. 5.5.6 - Allergies
No. 5.5.7 - Student Transportation and School Bus Safety
No. 5.5.8 - Student Medicine in School
No. 5.5.9 - Weapons on School Grounds
No. 5.5.10 - Wellness Policy
No. 5.6.1 - Section 504 Accommodations
No. 5.6.2 - Use of Restraints
No. 5.6.3 - Removal of Students with IEPs
No. 5.7.1 - Tennessen Warning
No. 5.7.2 - School Lockers
No. 5.7.3 - Students Free Speech Rights
No. 5.8.1 - Cyberbullying Prohibited Use of Technology
No. 5.8.2 - Internet and Educational Network Safety and Acceptable Use
No. 5.8.3 - Use of Social Media in School
No. 5.9.1 - Student Extracurricular Participation
No. 5.15 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
No. 509 - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
No. 516.5 - Overdose Medication
No. 522 - Title IX Sex Nondiscrimination Policy, Grievance Procedure and Process
No. 524.5 - Personal Electronic Communication Devices
No. 530 - Immunization Requirements
No. 531 - Pledge of Allegiance
No. 532 - Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds
No. 533 Wellness Policy
No. 534 School Meals Policy
School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities -
No. 6.1 - Grades
No. 6.2 - Length of School Year and School Calendar
No. 6.3 - Promotional and Retention
No. 6.4 - Release Time for Religious Events and Religious Accommodation
No. 6.5 - Online Learning
No. 6.8 - Parent Involvement
No. 6.9 - Compliance with Academic Standards and Authorizer Contract
No. 606 - Textbooks and Instructional Materials
No. 606.5 - Library Materials
No. 607 - Organization of Grade Levels
No. 608 - Instructional Services - Special Education
No. 609 - Religion and Religious and Cultural Observances
No. 610 - Field Trips
No. 612.1 - Development of Parent and Family Engagement Policies For Title 1 Programs -
No. 7.2.1 - Board Approval of Vendor Contracts
No. 7.2.2 - Bidding For Services From Authorizer
No. 7.3.1 - Electronic Transfer of Funds
No. 7.3.2 - Expense and Reimbursement for Board and Employees
No. 7.3.3 - Fundraising
No. 7.3.4 - Student Fee Requirements and Prohibitions
No. 7.4 - Data Access Policy for Members of the Public
No. 7.7 - Sale or Purchase of State Property
No. 7.8 - Designation of Depositories
No. 7.9 - Collateral Requirements for Depositories
No. 701 - Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget
No. 701.1 - Modification of School District Budget
No. 702 - Accounting
No. 703 - Annual Audit
No. 704 - Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Assess Accounting System
No. 705 - Investments
No. 706 - Acceptance of Gifts
No. 707 - Transportation of Public School Students
No. 708 - Transportation of Nonpublic School Students
No. 709 - Student Transportation Safety Policy
No. 709 - Notification to Employer Form
No. 710 - Extracurricular Transportation
No. 711 - Video Recording on School Buses
No. 712 - Video Surveillance Other Than on Buses
No. 713 - Student Activity Accounting
No. 714 - Fund Balances
No. 720 - Vending Machines -
No. 901 - Community Education
No. 902 - Use of School District Facilities and Equipment
No. 903 - Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
No. 904 - Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Non-School Persons
No. 905 - Advertising
No. 906 - Community Notification of Predatory Offenders
No. 907 - Rewards